
Selfie - Self Portraiture

All the greats have done self-portraits, now it's you turn! Curated by Julie Cousens, co-executive director and Michele Amaro, gallery director. Paintings. drawings, photographs, collage, sculpture ect. welcome.  Size limit 18" x 24" (if larger, ask us) You may submit up to four (4) pieces. Nothing over 100lbs please.

Deadline: Sunday, September 8th, 11:59pm

Exhibition Dates: September 21 - October 26, 2024

The is no cost to submit your entry, if you artwork is chosen, we will let you know by email and here are the fees for installation.  In Gallery Exhibition Hanging Fee $25 per piece for members, and $35 per piece for non members.  Online Exhibition Participation Fee $10 per piece for members, and $15 per piece for non members.

The gallery takes 25% commission on member sales and 35% commission on non-member sales.
Misc. if you don't see it here and are not sure, ask Michele,

Blue Door Art Center is a proud to be a grantee of ArtsWestchester, with funding made possible by Westchester County Government with the support of County Executive George Latimer.

User Entry Process Tutorial

You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.